Friday, May 13, 2011

The Complexity of Education

            After reading and then rereading chapter 2 in our text, it is clear to me that this specific chapter holds an enormous amount of valuable information. Although most of the information is straight forward, I found it hard to visualize some of the aspects in my mind, which in turn would materialize in lesson design and technology integration in the classroom. The difference between directed and constructivist method is clear but the combination almost seems too simple. Having attended and attained Gifted certification, I have used Gardner’s seven intelligences on numerous occasions, so I felt very comfortable thinking about technology through that line of thought. TPAK also seems like a concept that is easy to grasp. Everyone needs to assess the pertinent aspects of a project for the appropriate outcome to happen and that is exactly why TPAK makes sense although some might skip this process out of arrogance. When it comes to technology, some people seem to be so scared of opening themselves up to trying something new, that they just shield themselves by being difficult and closed. This can be a missed opportunity because learning is a never-ending cycle and no matter how confident you are about what you have learned, learning something new is always possible! TIP in sequence also makes good sense. Because our world moves at such a fast pace and information doubles itself so quickly, we must continually re-evaluate what we are doing to keep it current and relevant. I loved that we posted URL’s to web quests so soon because this was one way I integrated technology in my classroom often, especially when I taught Humanities. Teaching literature with history makes sense but can get taken over by one or the other easily. Web quests made approaching this so easy and most of all fun! My students were highly motivated when we did these assignments and the final out comes were outstanding! It was easy for me as the teacher to see the higher order thinking skills going on, and the complex ideas that were layered through out the web quest. Technology integration is not just allowing a student to use a computer, nor is it limited to computers alone. Overall, classroom technology integration takes planning, preparation and evaluation to lead to effective learning.


  1. Amy - I am so happy to read that you have implemented Gardner's ideas. Since beginning this program I have become more and more interested in how to use his concepts. My husband had done his Master's thesis on the idea (in chemistry education), and I did try a few times to adjust projects accordingly, but am very interested in what you did and what worked best. Did you group students and how - all the same intelligence or different ones? Did you allow different options for meeting objectives, allowing students to do what was most comfortable for them? Did you make students 'work' on their 'weaker' intelligences? I think TPAK and TIP are great ways to help implement Gardner's ideas and can't wait to see what we all come up with throughout this class.

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  3. Hi Amy! I really enjoyed reading your post. I have to admit that I am guilty of trying to use technology to enhance a lesson without carefully assessing my knowledge through TPACK. I do not think this was done out of arrogance, but I think it relates back to the feeling of being pressured to utilize technology in my subject area. It was always challenging to create lessons which utilized technology in dance because the subject matter is based primarily on physical movement. In addition, time spent using technology meant less time spent dancing and working on developing the skills necessary to be successful in a performing arts program. It constantly felt like a double-edged sword. Although I was happy when I was able to integrate technology into my lessons, I was never really satisfied with the end results. The question always lingered - was the lesson truly successful? This is where the TPACK and TIP models could have helped me immensely!
